Busted Mug

A blog that documents solutions to the most frustrating problems that occur during development in technologies such as Java, XML, AJAX, SQL, CSS and others that make me want to throw my coffee mug against the cube wall.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

IE duplicates element IDs into the Name attribute, which screwed me up!

ARGH! This one really gets me steamed. It seems that IE has decided that rather than supporting the applicable W3C and ECMA standards, they do what made sense to them. Surprised? I'm not. Anyhow, what the world ends up being stuck with is a scenario where id attributes are mirrored into an invisible name attribute for form elements. Why? So some lazy javascript developer somewhere can erroneously use getElementById('x') to access an element that has the NAME "x" but no the ID "x". I'll spare you the departure into the fact that the frigging function says ID in it and there's another one that uses NAME explicitly. Such mastery of scripting is apparently too much to ask.

That on it's own is lazy, but not terrible. However it turns terrible when you've got some code like this:

<td id="range5"><input type="text" name="range5" /></td>

Now when you submit some perfectly reasonable HTML like this to a web server with a decent browser like firefox you get only 1 element named range5 as you'd expect because you only named one element range5. Try the same with IE and what you'll end up with is a few hours of debugging and cursing the MSoft name. At the end of said debugging you'll find that since IE mirrors the ID attribute into the name attribute (invisibly) The server actually is submitted 2 elements named range5, the first of which in this case has a null value. ARRRRRGH!

So then what is the world left to do about such idiocracy (excellent movie by the by, look it up)? Well, I for one am going to dutifully note this in my "things that suck about IE to think about when coding" list that I always have running around in my head, and not name any IDs the same as NAMEs even though those are supposed to be two distinct entities with no relationship what so ever. IE sucks.

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